About Us

Improving Lives in Haiti

Just southeast of Port-au-prince near the highest peaks in Haiti is a stunningly beautiful mountainous region known as “Nouvelle Touraine.” For the equally beautiful people of this area, life is a constant struggle. While the region's rich soils offer great potential, roads are extremely rough or non-existent and trails are difficult, making getting goods to market nearly impossible. That same lack of access presents challenges to childrens’ education and healthcare too.

Founded by local Christians and supported by a network of missionaries, New Touraine of Hope for Haiti (NTH) is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of the people of Nouvelle Touraine through education and action. While real and tangible progress has been made, there’s still a great deal of work to do. But the good news is, just a few dollars can go very far in Haiti.

We invite you to get to know NTH, our work and consider supporting us in a number of ways.

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Our Mission

(Matthew 6:10) Let the Lord’s kingdom come, his will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Our Vision

The emergent of a community experiencing God’s kingdom life on earth.

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