Delivering Help and Hope to Nouvelle Touraine

Agricultural Development

NTH offers education programs to help farmers implement best practices to optimize their production for the specific climate and soils found in NT.

Road Access Improvement

Our GTR project helps local workers convert trails into a road that enables better access to transportation, markets, schools and health care.

Improving Childrens’ Education

We currently have sponsors for over 150 children, with the goal to serve even more by the end of this year. We strive to support at least five older students each year in veterinary medicine, carpentry, nursing, and agriculture.

Ensuring Clean, Safe Drinking Water

NTH educates villagers about how to keep the water clean and plans to install a pump system near the spring to get water to a more accessible point.

Delivering Healthcare Access

NTH works to provide healthcare through Mobile first aid clinics. We also plan to sponsor young leaders’ medical studies to become doctors and nurses so they can help their people.

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